Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Future Trends in Educational IT
If one lesson can be learned from our past, it is not to put limits on what technology can produce or permit within society; assuming that anything is possible is probably a better assumption! According to David, because the Internet is "doubling in size every year, [and] the web is doubling in size every 90 days [there is need for] a complete rethinking of education"(Thornburg). Technology has allowed us to communicate with many different people around the world and has also permitted different types of virtual learning capabilities. The future trends and expectations of online learning are limitless with regards to new technology and the Internet.
One future online learning trend would be the use of the “Kinect” technology not only in the home but also in classrooms and healthcare facilities. “The technology is revolutionizing every day life. From helping stroke patients, senior citizens at healthcare facilities, to fitness to robotics and in education” (Weiss).  The “Kinect” technology would help and assist learning within the classroom and especially help those students that are challenged and may have trouble learning at a normal and even pace as the other students. The technology would also help senior citizens or handicapped individuals learn or re-learn how to talk, walk, and/or move their bodies or limbs again whether they were born without the capability or loss the function from whatever the case may be. This technology would revolutionize the world and learning, as we know it.
Another future trend would be the extended growth and use of mobile learning. Based on growing popularity and high demand, more people will be encompassing Iphones, Ipads, and other mobile learning tools in the classroom and also in the workplace.  This will allow “on-the-go” learning and will also equip people with the essential tools necessary to learn. Many workplaces will be able to train employees by using mobile learning and also prepare them in a more enhanced and superior way. In the classroom, students would be able to do math problems or read books and interact virtually and manually. I do believe that the learning capabilities of the students will increase tremendously over the next few years.
Along with mobile learning, distance education seems to be becoming more popular as the years go on as well. The “mobile classroom” has been gaining more ground since it allows for learning across different boundaries and at the same time, it allows for people to learn on their own time and at their own pace. “Many schools have developed the idea of the virtual classroom to a high degree. One instructor located at a central location and using video equipment can teach simultaneous classes in several satellite locations. There is no limit to the distance these satellite locations can be from the instructor” (Aranda). In the near future, many schools will be online based and will be able to reach students near and far away. They will be able to guide and educate students in a new and innovative way that will even surprise the most techno-savvy enthusiast.


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