Sunday, September 23, 2012

Educational Information Technology: Intro and What Is to Come

Who are we? The individuals who are writing this blog are college students. We are looking to provide valuable knowledge about information technology, known as “I.T.” for short, and how it relates to education. Technology allows for one of the most powerful genetic bias which is the preference for visually presented information. This is one of the reasons that our group believes that technology can provide great resources to educational systems. We hope to provide a better understanding of how technology is growing in education and we will give our opinions, both positive and negative, on specific programs.
The comic strip above is very simple, yet shows a great example of what is going on in several educational departments around the world. Students are becoming a lot more knowledgeable in regards to technology, like blogs, than teachers.  Most current teachers do not have the proper training for the changes in technology and most decide to stick with the things they are most comfortable with. Current students in college, that are wanting to become teachers, have to take technology  classes so they know more about it and are able to take advantage of everything that it can offer. Teachers are also expected to participate in professional development opportunities that further their knowledge about new resources available.

What exactly is information technology?  ”Information technology is defined as a branch of engineering dealing with computers and telecommunications equipment to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data”(Wikipedia).  You may ask, how does this definition relate to education? Educational systems use information technology every day, whether it is through PowerPoint presentations, spreadsheets to calculate grades, or computers to make lesson plans. Technology is crucial to our society and is becoming increasingly prominent in people’s lives. It is also used in ways you may not think of, like in toddler and pre-school systems, and provides assistance to those in need.

The topics that we will be talking about are listed below along with an outline of each topic. They are in the order of when the blogs will be posted and will include the name of the individual who will be writing them from my group of colleagues.

Blog Post #2: Chelsea will be writing about information technology in relation to toddler/pre-school education systems. Early childhood curriculum can use technology and be very powerful when it comes to early childhood development and learning. Young children learn best through interaction and using technology enables them to do so.

Blog Post #3: Jacob will be blogging about home school programs and their use of technology. Children can’t learn with technology alone and interacting with other people and having hands-on learning activities are crucial. Jacob will expand more on this.

Blog Post #4: Pressley is in charge of this blog post. He will be talking about college level programs like Moodle and Blackboard which are used frequently by students. These applications allow for teachers to post notes, presentations, and other files online for students to access. It also gives students the ability   to upload files, view grades, view discussion forums and communicate with other members.

Blog Post #5: The author of this post will be Jessica. She will handle the pros and cons of technology in educational systems in general along with the history of education systems.

Blog Post #6: This will consist of a short review of previously discussed topics as well as the future of educational systems. Cassey will be the writer of this and will provide great insight on what is to come in the educational system.

If you enjoyed this post, I would appreciate if you’d help by spreading it through email, Twitter, or Facebook. Thank you!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012